The original sex siren South’ssiren of yesteryears, Vijayalakshmi aka Silk Smitha, got her first major breakin 1979 in Vandichakram’ (wheel). The film brought her not just criticalacclaim, but a new title Silk after the name of the character she portrayed inthe movie. That was the birth of Silk Smitha, south’s first original sex siren.Considered an epitome of Indian glamour as seen only in sculptures of oldendays, Smitha ruled almost every male’s heart in the South. Symbol of sensuality SilkSmitha went on to star in over 200 Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada and a fewHindi films. Her dance numbers and her bold performances in films like MoondruMugam made her the ultimate symbol of sensuality in Tamil, Kannada. Malayalamand Telugu cinema. Her item numbers in films like Amaran were also celebratedat the box office.
Adult-film actress? Some filmcritics, historians and journalists have referred to her as a 'soft core'actress. The vast majority of her movies are softcore and a common theme is herplaying a freakishly strong agent in skimpy bikinis beating up huge thugs. Evenin the rare non-sexual roles, she impressed critics and audiences, such as herrole of a wife hurt by her husband's infidelity in Seethakoka Chilaka (1981).Her most respected film is Moondram Pirai, remade as Sadma.
Fan following
Thoughshe did roles that portrayed her like a sex bomb, she's proved herself to be areasonable good actress with films like Moondraam Pirai and AlaiygalOyvathillai. The spell she had on the film industry can be gauged from the factthat her last film in the lead, 'Thanga Thamarai', was completed 11 years afterher death (1996) and still got a theatre release.
Silk Smitha revolutionised southern India's prolific film industry throughher song-and-dance and cabaret numbers in some 300 films. She performed these numbers so provocatively that leading Tamil, Telegu andMalayalam distributors from the south would only accept films which includedher sultry and erotic cabarets, irrespective of whether the story linewarranted them or not. For her efforts and her rather ample, though supple bulkshe was christened "Thundering Thighs". Smitha initially played serious lead roles inseveral Telegu films, but, over-partial to revealing, sequinned bodices andlow-slung, tight-fitting saris, she was eventually typecast as the ultimatesex-siren, utterly desirable but just out of reach. Then, after nearly 20 yearsof playing such roles, Smitha's career floundered and she moved, rather disastrously,into producing movies. Two of her Telugu films (her last films)flopped at the boxoffice while the third, was also a failure. Smithahad borrowed heavily to make these films and this, combined with her unhappypersonal life and alcohol dependency, finally led to her committing suicide.

Born into a poor family in Eluru in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh in 1960, she was christened Vijayalakshmi but, at an early agechanged her name to Smitha. After Vandi Chakkaram ("The Wheel"), herfirst Tamil film in 1979, Smitha began calling herself "Silk" afterthe bar girl of that name she played in the movie. Silk is also an anglicisedword for "silku", used colloquially in parts of south India to mean an"endearing flirt with a touch of glamour", a sobriquet which suitedher screen persona. Smitha left school after the fourth standard determined to become a filmstar, and at the age of nine moved in with her aunt in Madras, the centre ofsouthern India's booming film industry. Madras easily rivals Bollywood, India'sfilm capital city of Bombay, not only in the number of films it producesannually and its lavish studios, but also in the number of box- office hits itproduces. Southern India's film industry also has a firmer grip on the localsthan anywhere else in the country. The cult of the film star M.G. Ramachandran,better known as MGR, who became the chief minister of Tamil Nadu state on thestrength of his acting career, was so all- encompassing that scores ofTamilians committed suicide by setting themselves on fire or jumping out ofmoving trains when he died in the mid- Eighties. Smitha too became a household name after Tamil films likeMoondram Pirai ("Third night of the New Moon"), Moondru Mugam("Three Faces") and Kozhi Kuvuthu ("The Cock is Crowing").Besides Tamil cinema she also featured in scores of Telegu, Malayalam and evenmainstream Hindi films in Bollywood. Smitha's personal life, however,contrasted sharply with her screen persona. She was deeply religious and likemany pious Indians had her own little temple at home where she prayed severaltimes a day.
In 1996, Smitha was found dead in her Chennai apartment. In the previous yearshe had tried to shift career in order to become a film producer. Financialproblems, a disillusionment in love and an alcohol dependency apparently led todepression. It is suspected that Smitha committed suicide. |
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