Digit ratio theory - what your fingers say about you!

lol i find this so interesting.

ever heard of the digit ratio theory? it's the theory that you can tell someone's sexuality by the lengths of their fingers

Digit Ratio Theory

The Legend:

"Dude, I can totally tell he's gay! Look at his fingers!"

This sounds like one of those playground urban myths that adolescent males use as an excuse to punch each other. Supposedly, comparing the size of your index and ring fingers can tell whether a guy is destined to one day make out with Sulu and Andy **** in a poorly lit alley in Hollywood.

Yeah, right. Enough of your ignorant homophobia!

The Truth:

Incredibly, this is a real thing. It's called digit ratio theory and multiple studies have confirmed it.

Apparently if you have a longer ring finger, it means you got more testosterone as a fetus and are more likely to be hyperactive, aggressive and disgusted by anything featuring Hugh Grant.

A longer index finger, on the other hand, means more estrogen, making you more neurotic and sensitive. So if your index finger is way longer than your ring finger, you're like the gayest dude ever, right?

Actually, no. Studies found that it was when the two fingers were nearly the same length that the subjects were more likely to be gay (men and women both). Why? You'll have to ask the scientists, it's technical. What we do know is a study from Rutgers looking at finger lengths in lesbians even found a noticeable difference between the "butch" ladies who drive trucks and wear flannel and the more feminine lesbians who tend to populate your fantasies.

Finding your digit ratio:
STEP 1: Measure the full length of your ‘index finger’ (your ’second digit’: 2D).

STEP 2: Measure the full length of your ‘ring finger’ (your 'fourth digit’: 4D).

STEP 3: The quotient of the length of your index finger and your ‘ring finger’ (2D/4D) is your digit ratio (2D:4D).

A high 2D:4D ratio is associated with women, and a low one is associated with men. High testosterone before birth as indicated by digit ratio produces behavioral problems like temper tantrums, bullying, fights with other children, being hyperactive or being easily distracted.

What about me?
My index and ring fingers both measure about 3.25 inches, so my digit ratio is approximately 1.
What does this mean? Well, according to studies, men with higher 2D:4D ratios are shorter. I have a comparatively low 2D:4D ratio, and I'm 6'4". It is also suggested that 2D:4D ratios close to 1 are associated with homosexuality.

So... how far into this entry did you get before you stopped to look at your fingers?



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