J D Chekravarthy - Chitchat...!!!

With Shiva, J D Chekravarthy got break as 'villain'. With Money, Gulabhi, andAnaganaga Oka Roju , he became a star. With Satya , he became a national star.  Today, J D Chekravarthy prefers to be known as a good director than an actor. Having directed two action flicks - Homam and Siddham , he now moves onto comedy films, which according to him are his first love.  His new directorial venture, Money Money More Money is third movie in the franchise of Money. As the film is set for release this weekend - August 26th, he talks to us at his posh new residence cum office in Jubillee Hills..

Money and its sequel Money Money were successful. But both of them were produced by Ram Gopal Varma. What made you to make third part on your own?

Though I directed action flicks - Homam and Siddham , I didn’t enjoy the process of filmmaking while I directed them as action genre is not what I love to do personally. Comedies are where my heart is. Till date, I enjoy films made by Jandhyala and K Raghavendra Rao's entertainers than pucca action films.  So when I thought of directing my third film, I came up this idea of making sequel to Money and Money Money, both are cult comedies. So, Money Money More Money is my kind of movie. A director should enjoy the movie doing it before he/she presents the film to the audiences.

When Ram Gopal Varma learnt that I am making sequel to Money and Money Money, he said he was actually thinking of doing it and appreciated that I got the idea first.

So this movie starts off from where the earlier ones ended?

No, I didn’t take the scripts of those movies but only characters. You have Khan Dada (played by Brahmanandam in the earlier two movies), me and some other characters from the originals but script is changed.

What is this film all about?

It is about Khan Dada who earns huge money during the real estate boom but subsequently loses it all in film world. One day, a group of friends come to his house and take him as hostage. He tells them that he doesn't have single penny now and they won’t get at single paisa by this kidnap plan. But they have other plans. He trying to come out of this leads to several comic situations. I am confident that everyone in the theater will laugh out loud at the piquant situations in Brahmanandam's involved with. That is why I am not hesitating to reveal the basic plot. 

These days, Brahmanandam is seen in every other film. What is so specialty of his role in this film that you are so confident of?

Brahmanandam's success lies in there. He is still making us laugh despite his omnipresence in all films made in Telugu. It is like eating rice daily. You don’t get feel bored even though you take the rice daily. On the sets, I could not utter the word ‘cut’ as I was enjoying his performance.

You will see his viswaroopam in this film. He did Karate, Kung Fu, and other fights. He also did somersaults and snake dance.

Is this film based on any other language movie?

Yes, it has references from many of the movies made in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Bojpuri, Bengali, Malayalam, Kannada, etc. (laughs). See the film yourself and decide.

Why did you turn to direction when your career was going good as actor?
Actor is like a child. Director is like a father. Though I am son to my parents, don't I have to become a father?

Are you satisfied with your earlier movies as director?

I didn't take money for Homam and Siddham but they made money to the producers. As I said earlier, I didn’t enjoy the process of making those movies as my heart was not with them. But Money Money More Money gave me creative satisfaction.

Did you show this film to your guru Ram Gopal Varma?

No and I don't want to, as I will get tensed expecting. I may show the film only after the release.

There are rumors that Ram Gopal Varma and you are not on talking terms?

I know why these rumors cropped up. As I am not seen with him at any press meets these days, some people are speculating that all is not well between RGV and I. Truth is that we talk to each other daily. In fact, he offered me Appalraju first but I could not do it as I am more interested in my directorial ventures. 

Why did you stop doing films as actor?

When did I? I am currently acting in a bilingual with Arjun and Minisha Lamba. Finished a movie in Tamil which is directed by K V Anand's associate. Also did a film in Kannada.

But you are not busy as actor as you used to.  In fact, everyone expected you to be one of the busiest actors in Bollywood after the release of Satya!

True. Post the success of Satya , I was flooded with offers in Bollywood but I came down to Hyderabad to complete the films - Premaki Velayera and Satya Harischandra . But I don’t regret at my decisions. I am totally happy with my career, for whatever the decisions that I did on my own.

Heard that you said okay to marriage finally?

Yes, I have finally decided to get married. Not that I was against marriage system earlier, but I knew I was not responsible guy then. I used to take decisions on whims and fancies where as marriage demands a matured and responsible approach. I think I have finally matured enough to understand this. 

Will you go for arranged marriage?

Why not. Any how you don't plan 'love', right!

What next?

Working on two scripts. Will announce once the movie releases.


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