Rajmouli Latest Tweet on his upcoming film with Prabhas...!!!

Successful director S S Rajamouli has announced his new project with Young rebel star Prabhas . Veteran director K Raghavendra rao is producing this film under their own RK Films banner. Keeravani is scoring the music.

The budget of the film is expected to exceed Magadheera’s budget by almost 1.5 to 2 times.

Director Rajamouli cleared the air about Kajal Agarwal featuring in his next film with prabhas. 'Kajal in Prabhas' film is false news. We haven't come to the casting part yet.' Rajamouli tweeted on his twitter page.

Prabhas now working with Rebel movie under Raghava Lawrance direction and his next film is with Rajamouli . This movie is  produced under RK Films banner by K Raghavendra Rao

Rajamouli will move to Prabhas’s film after he is done with Eega. Right now he is fully focusing on this film as he is taking this as a challenge to answer his critics that he can’t make a film without masala elements.


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