Will Dookudu be different?

Sreenu Vaitla may be someone who is hailed as a safe commercial director, but it is also true that he has repeated ideas by making some cosmetic changes to the same formula.  Dhee, followed by Ready and Namo Venkatesa, were almost similar, and the latter two were liked mainly because they had comedy, not for any novelty.  In a sense, the audiences were a bit bored with the idea when Namo.. almost flunked in making the viewer not find the apparent regularity.
After a gap of almost 18 months (his last release was in January 2010), Vaitla is coming up with Dookudu.  The question on the top of everyone's mind is this: will Vaitla change the tacks with this film?  He has followed the same method, fitting his laughable stories in the same genre from time to time.
To our relief, however, Vaitla has stated that Dookudu will be a package of surprises.  We only hope that it is the case indeed.  The moot question, though, is this: Will it be a technical surprise or will it have something new to offer in terms of story?


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